Dionex™ IonPac™ ATC-HC and ATC-HC 500 Anion Trap Columns (Thermo Scientific™)

Use Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ ATC-HC and ATC-HC 500 Anion Trap Columns to strip anionic contaminants from deionized water or RFIC-EG eluents to prevent them from reaching the guard or analytical column. These high-capacity trap columns are designed specifically for use with RFIC-EG systems. The Dionex IonPac ATC-HC 500 column is identical to the Dionex IonPac ATC-HC column but packed in a column body that is compatible with non-stop operation at HPIC system pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa).

Key Features

Place the Dionex IonPac ATC-HC or ATC-HC 500 column between the pump outlet and the inlet of the EGC cartridge to remove contaminants from the deionized water. When using isocratic RFIC-EG eluents, the traps can be placed between the EGC cartridge outlet and the injection valve to remove contaminants from the eluent.

Engineered for superior chromatographic performance
  • 4.0meq/column capacity
  • One format, 9x75mm, for all applications
  • High capacity allows for less frequent periodic off-line regeneration
Dionex IonPac ATC-HC Anion Trap Columns
  • For use with the Dionex EGC-KOH (Capillary),EGC-NaOH, EGC III LiOH, or EGC-K2CO3 cartridges in the Dionex EGC III KOH or EG50 Eluent Generator
Dionex IonPac ATC-HC 500 Anion Trap Columns
  • Identical to the Dionex IonPac ATC-HC columns, but is packed in a column body that is compatible with nonstop operation up to 5,000 psi.
Dionex IonPac ATC-HC Anion Trap Columns, Borate Form
  • For use with the EG generated borate eluents or with manually prepared borate eluents
Dionex IonPac ATC-HC 500 Anion Trap Columns, Borate Form
  • Identical to the Dionex ATC-HC Borate Form but packed in a column body that is compatible with nonstop operation up to 5,000 psi.

Order Codes

Code Description
075979 Catalog Number: 075979
Unit Size: Each 1
Description: ATC-HC 500 Borate Form
Diameter (Metric): 9 mm
Length (Metric): 75 mm
059604 Catalog Number: 059604
Unit Size: Each 1
Description: ATC-HC
Diameter (Metric): 9 mm
Length (Metric): 75 mm
064755 Catalog Number: 064755
Unit Size: Each 1
Description: ATC-HC Borate Form
Diameter (Metric): 9 mm
Length (Metric): 75 mm
075978 Catalog Number: 075978
Unit Size: Each 1
Description: ATC-HC 500
Diameter (Metric): 9 mm
Length (Metric): 75 mm
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