Applied Biosystems™ RapidLINK™ Software v1.0 Match Application (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems RapidLINK Match Application is an easy-to-use application software that provides automatic matching of DNA profiles in the RapidLINK database. The application compares one reviewed profile to all other available profiles in a passive search, so that user-defined parameters are automatically applied to all match queries. For DNA profiles that may have a match, the RapidLINK Match Application generates a printable report that summarizes the likelihood of the overall profile match and details the probability of each allelic match. For use only with Applied Biosystems RapidLink Software v1.0.

Features of the RapidLINK Match Application include:
• Powerful search tool
• Flexible with regard to size of pool
• Reduced workload for lab personnel
• Passive search is always “on”
• User-defined search parameters
• Automatically generated match report

Order Codes

Code Description
A41818 Catalog Number: A41818
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