Axiom™ Buffalo Genotyping Array (Applied Biosystems™)

Axiom Buffalo Genotyping Array was designed by the Affymetrix Expert Design Program.* The array was developed in collaboration with the International Buffalo Genome Consortia, which included Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano in Italy, Iowa State University, and the Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Axiom Buffalo Genotyping Array provides the highest genome-wide coverage of polymorphic SNPs across multiple species and breeds of the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis bubalis and Bubalus bubalis carabanensis), one of the most important beef and dairy animals in Italy, Brazil, and South Asia.

This array is the only commercially available high-density buffalo genotyping tool.

Features of Axiom Buffalo Genotyping Array:
Comprehensive content – 90,000 common and rare markers selected from sequencing initiatives of the water buffalo (B. bubalis bubalis)
Multiple breeds represented – Mediterranean, Murrah, Jaffarabadi, and Nili-Ravi
Robust assay performance – SNPs demonstrate a ≥99%; call rate and ≥80% conversion rate on Murrah and Mediterranean samples

Applications of Axiom Buffalo Genotyping Array:
Molecular breeding:
   - Genomic biomarker discovery
   - Marker-assisted selection
   - Routine screening
   - DNA fingerprinting for animal tracking

Complex trait research:
   - High-resolution mapping of genetic loci in complex traits such as milk production, percentage of milk fat, and feed conversion efficiency
   - Discovery of genes and pathways underlying simple and complex traits

Conservation and biodiversity:
   - Population diversity studies in river and swamp buffalo
   - Genomic marker-assisted conservation strategies

*Expert Design Arrays are designed by key opinion leaders in the plant and animal genomics community and made available to the public for the purpose of advancing research and breeding programs. These arrays contain genetic markers and annotations that are provided by the original customer who designed the array and are therefore not updated in the same manner as other catalog products. Through the program, we continually provides agrigenomics researchers access to genotyping arrays that have been utilized by their peers in the research community.

Required Products
Axiom Analysis Suite
GeneChip Command Console Software
GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument

Order Codes

Code Description
550431 Catalog Number: 550431
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