Axiom™ Cotton Genotyping Array (Applied Biosystems™)

Axiom Cotton Genotyping Array was designed through Affymetrix- Expert Design Program, and the markers on the array were selected from public databases in collaboration with the National Botanical Research Institute, India. The array includes 35,550 markers that were discovered in G. hirsutum and G. barbadense.

Axiom Cotton Genotyping Array can be used to analyze samples from different populations by adding up to 380,000 custom markers or by transferring polymorphic markers with 100%; fidelity on to the Axiom 384HT myDesign™ breeders array. The Axiom GT1 algorithm can automatically cluster, assign genotypes, and classify the markers into six different categories for easy visualization.

Features of Axiom Cotton Genotyping Array
Comprehensive content:
The Axiom Cotton genotyping array includes a total of 35,550 markers:
• 28,158 intra-specific markers identified using gene-enriched genomic sequences of G. hirsutum.
• 7,392 markers discovered using genome reduction methodology that is based on restriction site conservation (GR-RSC).
   - 5,286 markers were discovered in an inter-specific assembly of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense.
   - 2,106 markers are intra-specific to G. hirsutum.

Applications of Axiom Cotton Genotyping Array
Complex trait research and molecular breeding:
• GWAS and QTL mapping
• Identification of economically-important traits
• Improved accuracy marker-assisted selection programs through genomic selection

Required Products
GeneChip Command Console Software
GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument

Order Codes

Code Description
550563 Catalog Number: 550563
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