Axiom™ Genome-Wide Chicken Array Kit (Applied Biosystems™)

Axiom Chicken Genotyping Array was developed in collaboration with leading academic institutions and commercial poultry companies including the Roslin Institute, Aviagen Ltd, Hy-Line International under BBSRC LINK funding and the German Synbreed project funded by the BMBF.

This genotyping array detects genetic variants in white egg layers, brown egg layers, broilers and outbred non-commercial breeds. The parental high-density information from the array is useful for poultry breeding while markers associated with wild out-bred lines are useful for analysis of genetic diversity among indigenous chicken populations.

Features and benefits of Axiom Chicken Genotyping Array:
Comprehensive content: Over 580,000 common and rare markers selected from 1.8M tested variants
Genome-wide coverage: Well-annotated markers uniformly distributed across the genome in layers and broilers
Designed for your breed: Over 24 breeds represented including commercial layers and broilers and non-commercial outbred lines
Affordable: High return on investment and lowest available cost per marker
Robust assay performance: Includes genotype-tested SNPs that are highly polymorphic and demonstrate a >99% call rate

Applications of Axiom Chicken Genotyping Array:
Genome-wide association studies
High-resolution genetic mapping
Mendelian trait mapping
Diversity analysis in indigenous chickens
Selection signature analysis
Required Products
Axiom Analysis Suite
GeneChip Command Console Software
GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument

Order Codes

Code Description
902148 Catalog Number: 902148
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