Axiom™ Human Genotyping SARS-CoV-2 Research Array Plus Assay Kit (Applied Biosystems™)

This array assay kit includes a 1x96-format Axiom Human Genotyping SARS-CoV-2 Research Array plate, Axiom 2.0 Plus reagents, and a GeneTitan MC Consumables kit. The array, along with the Axiom Genotyping Solution, delivers an impactful research solution that converts samples to whole-genome data for multi-ethnic populations. The array can be used to perform both prospective studies and retrospective studies with previously generated data.

For the Axiom Human Genotyping SARS-CoV-2 Research array with Axiom 2.0 reagents please see Cat. No. 952402.

The Axiom Human Genotyping SARS-CoV-2 Research Array offers >820,000 markers prioritized for dense coverage of genes implicated in underlying conditions that may influence disease susceptibility, severity, and outcome, including coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The array also offers dense coverage of the ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes associated with viral entry points, as well as coverage of relevant pharmacogenes.

Features of the research array include:

  • Markers for research associated with underlying conditions and diseases such as lung function, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory distress
  • A SARS-CoV-2-specific research module that includes markers for:
    • Various cytokine genes and pathways (e.g., NOTCH signaling pathways, RAAS) covering immunology, inflammation, and respiratory distress
    • Coverage of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes associated with cell surface receptors and virus entry facilitators
    • Structural and non-structural proteins predicted or observed to interact with viral proteins
  • Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) and Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) markers
  • Pharmacogenomics markers for research into druggable targets and understanding of adverse drug reactions
  • Variants covering various blood groups including ABO
  • Over 18,000 markers from UK Biobank Axiom Array associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes
Required products
GeneChip Command Console Software
GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument
Axiom Analysis Suite Software
Axiom Long Export Format Software

Order Codes

Code Description
952403 Catalog Number: 952403
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