Axiom™ Japonica Array™ NEO (Applied Biosystems™)

The Axiom Japonica Array NEO is a unique array that offers whole-genome analysis of the Japanese population. The array design is based on the whole-genome sequencing of 3,552 Japanese individuals by Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo), 3.5KJPNv2. The array was developed through partnership with Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization and represents genotyping of one of the largest Japanese cohorts, including over 150,000 residents from the coastal areas of Miyagi and Iwate prefectures in Japan.

The content of the Axiom Japonica Array NEO includes diseases risk research variants specific to Japanese individuals, HLA variants, and pharmacogenomic research variants. The data from the Axiom Japonica Array NEO is analyzed using Axiom Analysis Suite Software. Genotype imputation performed using a custom haplotype reference panel provided by Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization enables imputation of over ten-million SNPs unique to the Japanese population. The array design strongly supports discovery and exploratory research of genes related to Japanese constitutions and diseases, research that may contribute to the development of treatments and improved health outcomes for individuals.

Features of the Axiom Japonica Array NEO include:
• Offers disease research-related SNPs specific to Japanese population based on literature and databases of curated content
• Supports whole-genome imputation system established by ToMMo
• Completely new design based on whole-genome sequence data of 3,552 individuals

• Over 659K markers for optimal whole-genome imputation targeting SNPs with minor allele frequency >1%
• Over 6,700 variants in genes in HLA regions and over 500 variants in genes in KIR regions of known importance in immune response
• Over 1,800 pharmacogenomic research markers relevant for drug metabolism
• Human disease research variants, including psychoneurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, immune system, and ophthalmic

Order Codes

Code Description
952355 Catalog Number: 952355
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