Axiom™ Strawberry Genotyping Array (Applied Biosystems™)

Axiom Strawberry Genotyping Array was designed through the Affymetrix Expert Design Program in collaboration with the International RosBREED SNP consortium that spans multiple nations, states, and institutions dedicated to genetic improvement of rosaceous crops.* The array offers genome-wide coverage of polymorphic SNPs across the cultivated garden strawberry hybrid (Fragaria ananassa).

Features of Axiom Strawberry Genotyping Array:
Comprehensive content: 95,062 SNPs and indels derived from octoploid and diploid cultivars, including:
   - 1,761 multi-allelic SNPs
   - 3,751 SNPs derived from diploid cultivars; the remaining markers are derived from octoploid cultivars
Multiple cultivars represented: SNP discovery was facilitated with a diverse worldwide breeding germplasm panel that included:    - Holiday, Korona, and F1 seedlings from the cross Holiday x Korona
   - Two likely diploid progenitors, Fragaria mandschurica, F. iinumae
   - One known diploid F. vesca

Applications of Axiom Strawberry Genotyping Array:
Complex trait research
   - QTL discovery
   - Identify traits of economic significance
Molecular breeding
   - Genome-wide scanning
   - Marker-assisted breeding
Release of new cultivars
   - Accelerate and increase efficiency of cultivar development
   - Identify the presence of important markers in existing strawberry germplasm
   - Use genetic information to identify germplasm that will perform well in specific growing regions

Notes about the data analysis: Axiom Strawberry Genotyping Array requires advanced analysis. Genotyping many different varieties together may create multiple clusters during the analysis that interfere with each other and/or blend the clusters together. Genotype calls are not provided for multi-allelic SNPs.

*Expert Design Arrays are designed by key opinion leaders in the plant and animal genomics community and made available to the public for the purpose of advancing research and breeding programs. These arrays contain genetic markers and annotations that are provided by the original customer who designed the array and are therefore not updated by Affymetrix in the same manner as other catalog products. Through the program, Affymetrix continually provides agrigenomics researchers access to genotyping arrays that have been utilized by their peers in the research community.

Required Products
Axiom Analysis Suite
GeneChip Command Console Software
GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument

Order Codes

Code Description
550466 Catalog Number: 550466
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