CytoScan™ Optima Suite (Applied Biosystems™)

Arrays and an optimized reagent kit for streamlined workflow

The CytoScan™ Optima Suite contains the arrays and all the reagents (including the Taq polymerase) required to perform the CytoScan Optima assay. Results can be obtained in as few as 2.5 days. The protocol also contains stopping points to accommodate your schedule.

Background for CytoScan Optima Suite

Approximately 50% of miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Traditional cytogenetic techniques such as karyotyping and FISH are limited by cell culture failure and usually lack the appropriate sensitivity.

CytoScan™ Optima Suite has been designed with input from the cytogenetics community worldwide and empirically optimized from CytoScan HD Suite. CytoScan Optima Array offers whole-genome coverage for accurate detection of chromosomal abnormalities with increased probe coverage targeting 396 relevant regions for prenatal and miscarriage applications.

CytoScan Optima Suite includes arrays, reagents, and easy-to-use data analysis software for a cost-effective analysis of your prenatal and product of conception (POC) samples.

CytoScan Optima Suite provides whole-genome coverage and higher resolution in key genetic regions to enable the detection of the following:
Whole-chromosome aneuploidies and submicroscopic gains and losses. This POC sample shows a 46 MB duplication in blue followed by a submicroscopic 2.2 MB deletion in red. (Fig. 1)
LOH/AOH. This sample shows three confirmed purple LOH/AOH segments of different sizes and locations. (Fig. 2)
Triploidy and maternal cell contamination. This whole-genome view shows four lines in the allelic difference track concordant with a triploidy in this first trimester POC sample. (Fig. 3)
Low-level mosaicism. An increase in the signal in chromosome 2 shows a ∼20% mosaic trisomy in this chorionic villi (CVS) sample. (Fig. 4)

An intuitive and flexible workflow for accurate analysis
Chromosome Analysis Suite (ChAS) was developed with input from leading experts and enables you to easily view and summarize chromosomal aberrations across the genome. (Fig. 5) ChAS also includes:
• A database to store your data
• Trio tool analysis
• Flexible reporting tools
• Updated external annotations
• A built-in reference from CVS, amniocytes, cultured cells, POC, and blood samples

The software is available free of charge as part of CytoScan Optima Suite.
Learn more and download ›

First-class customer training and support
Customer training is required for the CytoScan Optima Suite. Different training programs are available based upon your experience level. Please contact us for details.

Related Links
Download the most recent Fluidics Scripts
CytoScan™ Optima Training Kit

Order Codes

Code Description
902533 Catalog Number: 902533
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