GeneChip™ Chicken Genome Array (Applied Biosystems™)

The GeneChip™ Chicken Genome Array is a key research tool for the study of chicken genomics and chicken viral pathogens.

• This array contains comprehensive coverage of 32,773 transcripts corresponding to over 28,000 chicken genes. The Chicken Genome Array also contains 689 probe sets for detecting 684 transcripts from 17 avian viruses.
• Use the Power of the Probe Set and get multiple independent measurements for each transcript that deliver the greatest accuracy and reproducibility of any microarray platform.
• GeneChip System: richer data, sharper insights, better decisions.

Array Profile
Sequence information for the GeneChip Chicken Genome Array can be used to study gene expression of 33,457 chicken and viral transcripts. Species covered include Gallus gallus (chicken) and 17 avian viruses. Sequence information for this array includes public content from GenBank™, UniGene (Build 18; 15 May 2004), and Ensembl (version 1, released May 2004). Probe sets on the array were designed with 11 oligonucleotide pairs to detect each transcript.

Instrument and Software Requirements
• GeneChip Scanner 3000, enabled for High-Resolution Scanning*
• GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS) and the GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Scanning Patch (provided separately)
*GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Update is standard on all instruments shipped starting in September 2003 with serial number series 502. Previous versions, such as serial number series 501, will require the GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Update, Catalog Number 00-0110, to be installed.

The Chicken Genome Array was created within the GeneChip Consortia Program.

Order Codes

Code Description
900592 Catalog Number: 900592
900590 Catalog Number: 900590
900591 Catalog Number: 900591
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