GeneChip™ Medicago Transcriptome Assay (Applied Biosystems™)

GeneChip™ Medicago Transcriptome Pico Assay, which utilizes 100-2,000 pg of input RNA) is designed for agriculture researchers studying legume genomics and symbiotic relationships between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and plants. Coupled with our free, intuitive Transcriptome Analysis Console (TAC) Software, it is the fastest and most effective whole-transcriptome profiling approach for legume researchers who want results within a crop season.

• In a single experiment, measure expression changes of M. truncatula reference cultivars A17 and R108, and M. sativa (alfalfa).

• With the right results the first time, have confidence in low-level expression data with higher reproducibility than RNA-Seq.

• Within minutes, analyze and visually interpret the expression of genes, exons, and transcript isoforms.

For additional information, see the GeneChip Medicago transcriptome solution data sheet.

Order Codes

Code Description
902881 Catalog Number: 902881
902880 Catalog Number: 902880
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