GeneChip™ Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array (Applied Biosystems™)

The GeneChip™ Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array includes probe sets to over 4,300 Plasmodium falciparum transcripts and approximately 14,900 Anopheles gambiae transcripts. The Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array was developed in collaboration with the Malaria Research Institute at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

P. falciparum sequence information for this array was collected primarily from PlasmodB (version 4.1, June 2003) and augmented with sequence information from GenBank™ and dbEST. Sequence information for A. gambiae was drawn primarily from Ensembl (Build 2, 2003) and augmented with sequence information from GenBank and dbEST.

Note: The DsRed probe set is provided with permission from BD Biosciences, and BD Biosciences grants users a limited license to utilize this probe set only on the Plasmodium/Anopheles Genome Array. Other uses of the probe set, or other DsRed sequence or sequences, require a license from BD Biosciences.

Order Codes

Code Description
900512 Catalog Number: 900512
900511 Catalog Number: 900511
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