GeneChip™ Poplar Genome Array (Applied Biosystems™)

The GeneChip™ Poplar Genome Array is designed specifically to monitor gene expression in Poplar (Populus sp.). In total, the Poplar Genome Array contains more than 61,000 probe sets representing over 56,000 transcripts and gene predictions.

This array was created in collaboration with leading poplar researchers through the GeneChip Consortia Program and was designed based on content from UniGene Build #6 (March 16, 2005) and from GenBank™ mRNAs and ESTs for all Populus species up to April 26, 2005. Additional array design content was derived from the predicted gene set v1.1 from the Populus genome project (P. trichocarpa), led by the U.S. Department of Energy and based at the Joint Genome Institute (JGI), Walnut Creek, CA (download date May 4, 2005).

Instrument and Software Requirements
• GeneChip Scanner 3000, enabled for High-Resolution Scanning* or GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G
• GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS) v1.1.1, which contains the High-Resolution Scanning Update

* GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Update is standard on all instruments shipped starting in September 2003 with serial number series 502. Previous versions, such as serial number series 501, will require the GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Update, Catalog Number 00-0110, to be installed.

Order Codes

Code Description
900730 Catalog Number: 900730
900729 Catalog Number: 900729
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