GeneChip™ S. aureus Genome Array (Applied Biosystems™)

This GeneChip™ array is available through our Made-to-Order Program, which enables you to purchase selected custom array designs and previous-generation GeneChip arrays no longer available as catalog products. Learn more about ordering and support of GeneChip Custom Arrays.

For comprehensive monitoring of the relative mRNA abundance of S. aureus sequences.
The GeneChip S. aureus Genome Array is useful for studying the expression of sequences in the following four strains of Staphylococcus aureus: N315 (National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan), Mu50 (National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan), NCTC 8325 (University of Oklahoma), and COL (TIGR).

The array contains probe sets to over 3,300 S. aureus open reading frames. Additionally, the array also contains probes to study both forward and reverse orientation of over 4,800 intergenic regions throughout the S. aureus genome.

For more information, please review the data sheet (pdf, 114 KB).

Order Codes

Code Description
900514 Catalog Number: 900514
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