GeneChip™ Zebrafish Genome Array (Applied Biosystems™)

The GeneChip™ Zebrafish Genome Array can be used to study gene expression of over 14,900 Danio rerio transcripts. Sequence information for this array was selected from the following public data sources: RefSeq (July 2003), GenBank™ (release 36.0, June 2003), dbEST (July 2003), and UniGene (Build 54, June 2003). Probe sets on the array were designed with 6 oligonucleotide pairs to detect each transcript.

This array was designed in collaboration with representative members of the Zebrafish community and the National Institutes of Health.

Note: The DsRed probe set is provided with permission from BD Biosciences, and BD Biosciences grants users a limited license to utilize this probe set only on this array. Other uses of the probe set, or other DsRed sequence or sequences requires a license from BD Biosciences.

Order Codes

Code Description
900488 Catalog Number: 900488
900487 Catalog Number: 900487
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