Ion 520™ & Ion 530™ ExT Kit-Chef (Ion Torrent™)

The Ion 520™ & Ion 530™ ExT Kit-Chef enables robust, automated, and fast template preparation and sequencing of 400 to 600 base-read libraries using the Ion Chef™ System and the Ion S5™ and Ion S5™ XL Sequencing Systems. The Ion 520 & Ion 530 ExT Kit-Chef contains pre-packaged single-use template and sequencing reagent cartridges with integrated sample tracking, delivering an automated workflow for sequencing of 4 loaded chips with complete run traceability.

The Ion 520 & Ion 530 ExT Kit-Chef and Ion S5/Ion S5 XL workflow:
• Provides template preparation and chip loading reagents for 400 to 600 base-read libraries
• Simplifies your research with ready-to-use, disposable reagent cartridges for templating and sequencing
• Enables fast and simple sequencing instrument set-up, with less than 15 minutes hands-on time
• Leverages the latest advancements in data quality and accuracy
• Maximizes flexibility with compatibility for both the Ion 520™ and Ion 530™ chips

The Ion S5/Ion S5 XL sequencers, along with the Ion Chef System, offer reproducible sequencing workflows, with minimal hands-on time. Choose to pair the Ion 520 & Ion 530 ExT Kit with the Ion 520 Chip Kit (up to 4 million reads per chip) or Ion 530 Chip Kit (up to 12 million reads), allowing for flexibility of total throughput. For de novo research applications, add the Ion S5™ ExT Calibration Standard to prepared libraries for greater base-calling accuracy of 400 to 600 bp fragments.

This kit is only compatible with the Ion S5 and Ion S5 XL Systems.
Use this kit with Torrent Suite™ Software 5.2 or higher.

Order Codes

Code Description
A30670 Catalog Number: A30670
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