Safe Imager™ 2.0 Blue-Light Transilluminator (Invitrogen™)

The Safe Imager™ Blue-Light Transilluminator is designed for viewing stained gels on the laboratory bench top, or within gel documentation systems. Light from the LED source inside the instrument passes through a blue filter producing light with a narrow emission peak centered at approximately 470 nm, effective for the excitation of SYBR™ DNA-binding dyes such as SYBR™ Safe DNA gel stain, as well as many of our protein gel stains such as SYPRO™ Ruby, SYPRO™ Orange, and Pro-Q™ Diamond stains. Sensitivity obtained using this instrument is comparable to that obtained with a standard UV transilluminator. Unlike UV transilluminators, the Safe Imager™ transilluminator does not produce UV light and does not require UV protective equipment during use.

Order Codes

Code Description
G6600UK Catalog Number: G6600UK
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