Smart Deep™ Basecaller, 1-year license (Applied Biosystems™)

Smart Deep Basecaller is an improved basecaller for use with Sequencing Analysis Software 8. This license enables use of Smart Deep Basecaller for 1 year.

Relative to KB Basecaller (included with Sequencing Analysis Software 8), this improved basecaller provides:
• Increased read lengths—more high quality basecalls at 5’ and 3’ ends
• More accurate pure and mixed base calls
• Improved basecalling accuracy through artifacts such as dye blobs, N-1 peaks, and mobility shifts
• Improved basecalling accuracy through heterozygous indel variants
• Reduced manual review time—fewer edits and fewer false positives
• Optional enhanced view trace visualization with a cleaned-up baseline and increased resolution in the 3’ end of plasmid (pure base) sequences

Note: SDB basecalling is enabled for data from SeqStudio Flex, SeqStudio, 3730, and 3500 series instruments.

The Smart Deep Basecaller license key is delivered by email and is then entered in Sequencing Analysis Software 8 to activate the license.

Order Codes

Code Description
A53212 Catalog Number: A53212
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