TaqMan™ Array Mouse Alzheimer's Panel (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Mouse Alzheimer's Array is a 384-well micro flluidic card containing 96 human TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assays. This product is compatible with an upgraded Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System and sold in packs of 4.

TaqMan™ Arrays for Alzheimer’s for mouse closely follow the human panel and are from orthologous genes of the human assays. The mouse panel has 92 assays and four controls (18S, actb, hprt1 and ipo8).The array is pre-formatted and inventoried, cost-effective, convenient and easy to use without needing expensive robotics. Results are reproducible and consistent across samples, studies, and labs —the same data quality from card-to-card and lot-to-lot — even with different operators.

Order Codes

Code Description
4378714 Catalog Number: 4378714
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