Remote Alarms for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers (Thermo Scientific™)

Increase sample security by using Thermo Scientific™ Remote Alarms for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers — designed for areas where an alarm may not be readily heard.

Key Features

  • Lightweight units attach to a wall or cabinet
  • Operate on line voltage
  • Switch to a battery backup if a power failure occurs
  • Can be connected easily to a temperature/power monitor and remote alarm contacts
  • Complete with audible alarm silence switch and alarm ringback features
  • Alarm can be temporarily defeated, but system rings back as a reminder to reset when normal conditions are restored
  • Audible and visual signal to indicate alarm condition on monitored equipment

Order Codes

Code Description
5612-3V Catalog Number: 5612-3V
Unit Size: Each
Voltage: 220 V
5612-1A Catalog Number: 5612-1A
Unit Size: Each
Voltage: 120 V
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