EpiJET Bisulfite Conversion Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific EpiJET Bisulfite Conversion Kit is designed for simple and reliable bisulfite conversion of DNA for methylation analysis. In the bisulfite reaction all unmethylated cytosines are deaminated and converted to uracils, while methylated cytosines remain unchanged. Bisulfite converted unmethylated cytosines are detected as thymines in the following PCR.

The EpiJET Bisulfite Conversion Kit integrates the thermal DNA denaturation and the bisulfite conversion reactions into one step. This step can be performed following long or short protocol, depending on the downstream application of modified DNA. The converted DNA is when bound to a membrane of a micro column for on-column desulfonation and subsequent DNA purification steps. The converted DNA is eluted in a small volume of Elution Buffer and is suitable for a number of techniques used for the methylation status analysis, including PCR, qPCR, COBRA, sequencing.

• High conversion efficiency and specificity (≥99%)
• Flexibility, provided by short DNA conversion protocol
• Pure DNA, suitable for downstream applications and long-term storage

Converted DNA can be used in:
• qPCR
• Combined Bisulfite Restriction Analysis (COBRA)
• Sequencing

• Modification Reagent
• Modification Solution I
• Modification Solution II
• Binding Buffer for Bisulfite Conversion Kit
• Wash buffer (conc.) for Bisulfite Conversion Kit
• Desulfonation Buffer (conc.)
• Elution Buffer
• DNA Purification Micro Columns & Collection Tubes

Order Codes

Code Description
K1461 Catalog Number: K1461
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