MuSeek Library Preparation Kit, Illumina compatible (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific™ MuSeek™ Library Preparation Kit, Illumina™ compatible is designed for generation of high‐quality genomic DNA libraries for sequencing with the Illumina™ MiSeq™ and HiSeq™ systems. The fast protocol utilizes the MuA transposase enzyme, which catalyzes simultaneous fragmentation of double-stranded target DNA and tagging the fragment ends with transposon DNA. In a subsequent PCR step the platform-specific adapters are added using a robust and accurate Thermo Scientific Phusion™ High-Fidelity DNA polymerase. Starting with only 50 ng or 100 ng of sample the protocol can be used to generate 100 bp - 1,000 bp insert libraries. The kit contains components sufficient for 12 fragmentation reactions and the subsequent adapter-addition polymerase chain reactions. Sequencing primers required for sequencing libraries prepared by this method are provided as well.


Convenient—no physical shearing, end-repair and ligation steps
Fast—generates NGS fragment libraries in less than 90 minutes
Low sample input—DNA fragment libraries from 50 ng DNA input
Indexing compatible—MuSeek Index Set 1 enables preparation of up to 24 dual-indexed DNA libraries for sequencing in one run.


• DNA fragment library preparation for downstream use in next generation sequencing workflow.
• Library preparation from gDNA, ds DNA, bacterial DNA, DNA amplicons.

• MuSeek Enzyme Mix, IL
• MuSeek Fragmentation Reaction Buffer
• MuSeek Stop Solution
• Water, nuclease-free
• Control DNA
• MuSeek Adapter Addition Primer Mix, IL
• MuSeek Adapter Addition Reaction Buffer, IL
• Phusion™ Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, IL
• MuSeek Sequencing Primer, Read 1
• MuSeek Sequencing Primer, Read 2
• MuSeek Sequencing Primer, Index Read

The kit is shipped on dry ice. Upon arrival store at -20°C, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. The Stop Solution can be stored at room temperature.

Order Codes

Code Description
K1361 Catalog Number: K1361
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