PEPotec™ Immuno Custom Peptide Libraries (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific PEPotec Immuno Custom Peptide Libraries are fully synthetic custom libraries that support high-throughput screening assays to map epitopes or identify immunogenic sites in proteins. They are fully customizable and supplied with acetate as the counter-ion to avoid potential toxicity issues in epitope discovery and mapping. These application-specific peptide libraries are ready to use in applications such as vaccine development, T- and-B cell research, antibody development, and biomarker discovery. Optional peptide modifications are available, including residue phosphorylation and acetylation, and different formulations are possible that enable study of cellular signaling events.

Learn more about our PEPotec Immuno Custom Peptide Libraries ›

Low toxicity—peptides with acetate as the counter-ion are less toxic in certain applications when compared with those with trifluoroacetate (TFA)
Application-specific—the 6- to 20–amino acid peptide length distribution fits most immunological applications
Convenient—peptides are provided in individual 2-D barcoded tubes in 96-tube plates, and each order includes a CD with the peptide sequences and positions in each plate
Flexible—optional services, including phosphorylation and acetylation, are available for studying signaling and regulatory proteins

• Epitope mapping of B and T cells
• Vaccine development
• High-throughput peptide screening
• Biomarker discovery
• Cell signaling (kinase/protease studies)

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