Minor Variant Finder Software (Download Format) (Applied Biosystems™)

Minor Variant Finder Software is simple, easy-to-use desktop software designed for the accurate detection and reporting of minor variants in Sanger sequencing traces with a detection level as low as 5%. Sophisticated algorithms filter out systemic noise components in bi-directional sequencing traces to quickly and accurately highlight and present genuine somatic minor variant candidates for review and reporting. This version of the software is provided as a digital download. For USB format, please see Cat. No. A31100.

Confidently call variants as low as 5%
The innovative algorithms of the Minor Variant Finder Software remove the background noise by comparing test sample(s) with a normal control sample. The algorithms produce a list of candidate variants and cleaned-up electropherograms for users to confidently review and confirm candidate variants on both forward and reverse strands. Review indicators facilitate user review of candidate minor variants detected during analysis.

The software can identify 5% minor variants with a sensitivity ≥ 95% and specificity ≥ 99% within the region of overlap among the forward and reverse test and control .ab1 files.

Simple and easy integration
The simple, workflow-based user interface guides users through each step from setup to review. Standard protocols for fluorescent dye terminator Sanger sequencing can be used, requiring little to no change. The minor variant candidates are presented for review in a convenient viewer tool and can be reported in a .csv and .vcf output file.

This desktop software supports .ab1 files generated from Applied Biosystems™ 3500, 3500xl, 3730, 3730xl, 3130, and 3130xl genetic analyzer instrument systems.

Complementary NGS confirmation
For high-throughput labs using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, minor variants from NGS findings can be confirmed with Sanger sequencing quickly and cost-effectively. The confirmation data can be visualized in an alignment view and Venn diagram for reporting.

Minor Variant Finder Software uses the GRCh38 human reference genome.

Computer requirements

Windows™ computer with 2 GB hard disk space and a minimum of 4 GB memory; 8 GB recommended.
• Intel™ Core i7-4790 CPU, 3.60 Hz, Windows™ 10 Pro
• Intel™ Core2 DUO CPU E8400, 3.00 GHz, Windows™ 7 SP1 32-bit
• Intel™ Core i3-2100 CPU, 3.10 Hz (Windows™ 7 SP1 64-bit)
• Intel™ Core i5-3380M, 2.9 GHz (Windows™ 7 SP1 64-bit)

Operating system: Windows™ 7 SP1, 32-bit or 64-bit or Windows™ 10 Pro, 64-bit

Browser: Google™ Chrome™, Mozilla™ Firefox™, Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ v.11, or Microsoft™ Edge
The Minor Variant Finder Software runs in a web browser window, but does not require connection to the internet in order to run. Data is secure on your desktop computer.

Screen resolution: 1024x768 or higher, optimized for 1280x1024

Order Codes

Code Description
A30835 Catalog Number: A30835
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