E-Gel™ 96 Agarose Gels with SYBR™ Safe DNA Gel Stain, 2% (Invitrogen™)

Invitrogen E-Gel 96 high-throughput precast agarose gels with SYBR Safe DNA gel stain are designed for fast, convenient, and safe DNA sample electrophoresis. Each E-Gel agarose gel cassette contains all components and stain required for efficient gel separation and analysis—just load your samples and run.

Each gel contains 96 sample lanes and 8 marker lanes, ideal for screening multiple PCR products, plasmid preparations, and restriction digests. The E-Gel 96 loading format is compatible with multi-channel pipettors and the most commonly used 8-, 12-, and 96-pin liquid handling robots. With a 12-minute run time, up to 20,000 samples can be resolved in a single day.

The unique 96-well staggered-well format provides a 1.6-cm run length with the following separation ranges for DNA fragments:
• 1% agarose gels: DNA fragments between 400 bp and 10 kb
• 2% agarose gels: DNA fragments between 100 bp and 2 kb

Each cassette is labeled with an unique EAN39 bar code that is recognized by most commercially available robotic bar code readers.

Features of E-Gel 96 gels include:
High throughput analysis—contain 96 sample lanes and 8 marker lanes
Automation compatible—suitable for use with multi-channel pipettors and commonly used 8-, 12-, and 96-pin liquid handling robots
Scalable—resolve up to 384 samples in one run by combining up to four E-Base Mother and E-Base Daughter devices
Safer choice—contains SYBR Safe DNA stain, a safer alternative to ethidium bromide
High performance—detect 3 ng of sample DNA with a separation time as short as 12–17 minutes

Safer option
Choose SYBR Safe DNA stained gels to minimize exposure to hazardous and mutagenic factors such as ethidium bromide or UV. Precast E-Gel agarose gels with SYBR Safe, in combination with blue-light trans-illumination, offer better sample integrity and a safer work environment.

Unlike ethidium bromide, the DNA stain most commonly incorporated into agarose gels, SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is a non-toxic, non-mutagenic DNA stain that is safer for the user, safer for the environment, and can save institutional overhead costs for disposal.

Fast and convenient analysis
E-Gel agarose gels enable fast and high-performance analysis with a detection sensitivity of 3 ng of sample DNA per band and a separation time 2–3 fold faster than that of conventional pour-your-own gels. Each E-Gel agarose gel contains agarose, electrodes, SYBR Safe DNA stain, and a buffer-less ion exchange system packaged inside a dry disposable cassette. E-Gel technology does not require any gel or buffer preparation or gel staining steps. Just load your samples and run.

Nucleic acid markers
Learn more about our E-Gel DNA ladders ›

Running and imaging devices
High-throughput E-Gel agarose gels require the E-Gel Power Snap Plus electrophoresis system for gel running.
Learn more about the E-Gel Power Snap Plus electrophoresis system ›

Available in a variety of gel formats
E-Gel agarose gels are available in variety of gel percentage, stain, and well formats. The high-throughput E-Gel 96 and 48 agarose gels with SYBR Safe are available in 1% and 2% gel percentages. E-Gel agarose gel selection guide

Order Codes

Code Description
G720802 Catalog Number: G720802
G720842 Catalog Number: G720842
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