GelCode™ Blue Stain Reagent (Thermo Scientific™)

GelCode Blue Stain Reagent is a ready-to-use protein stain based on colloidal coomassie dye G-250 that provides nanogram-level detection in polyacrylamide gels and for in-blot detection. This unique reagent stains only protein and allows bands to be viewed directly in the gel during the one-hour gel-staining process.

Key Features

GelCode Blue Stain Reagent is a ready-to-use protein stain based on colloidal coomassie dye G-250 that provides nanogram-level detection in polyacrylamide gels and for in-blot detection.

Features include:
• No methanol-acetic acid destaining required
• Fast, one-step, one-hour staining, ready-to-use stain reagent; band development visible directly in the staining tray; no background from overnight staining; flexible fixing and washing protocol; no gel shrinkage; stained gel can be dried
• Water wash increases staining sensitivity; optional step provides crystal-clear gel background and makes weakly stained bands more visible

GelCode Blue Stain Reagent stains only protein and allows bands to be viewed directly in the gel during the one-hour gel-staining process. Because the destaining step does not fix the protein, GelCode Blue Stain is compatible with mass spectrometry analysis and N-terminal sequence analysis.

Order Codes

Code Description
24590 Catalog Number: 24590
Unit Size: 500 mL
Description: GelCode™ Blue Stain Reagent, 500 mL
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