InVision™ His-Tag In-Gel Staining Kit (Invitrogen™)

The InVision His-tag In-gel Staining Kit includes InVision His-tag In-gel Stain as well as BenchMark His-tagged Protein Standard. InVision His-tag In-gel Stain is a ready-to-use, fast, sensitive, and highly specific stain for visualizing His-tagged fusion protein bands directly in a polyacrylamide gel following electrophoresis.

• Stain proteins fused to an oligohistidine sequence
• Eliminate western blotting—detect His-tagged proteins directly in the gel
• Detect nanogram levels of protein bands with a UV transilluminator or imaging equipment with appropriate filters or lasers
• Visualize results in under three hours

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Fast and easy staining
The InVision His-tag In-gel Stain protocol is easy to perform and requires very little hands-on-time, allowing for rapid and scalable protein expression screening in a variety of gel types. Following electrophoresis, the gel is fixed, incubated in the stain, washed, and the specific His-tagged fusion protein detected by exposing the gel to UV or visible light. In under three hours, nanogram levels of His-tagged fusion protein can be detected. After documenting your InVision Stain signal, total protein staining can be performed.

Order Codes

Code Description
LC6033 Catalog Number: LC6033
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