Mini Gel Tank (Thermo Scientific™)

The Mini Gel Tank is a vertical mini-gel electrophoresis system with a unique tank design that has convenient side-by-side gel loading and enhanced viewing during use. The tank can accommodate up to two gels per run with each gel run in its own separate chamber, making it easy to run just one gel and enabling the use of just enough buffer for one gel. The tank is compatible with all Invitrogen pre-cast mini gels and SureCast handcast gels.

See all available electrophoresis chamber systems ›

The Mini Gel Tank can be used for wet tank transfers using the Mini Blot Module. Two Mini Blot Modules fit into the Mini Gel Tank to allow transfer of two gels at a time. The unique design of the blot module allows for the use of less transfer buffer (only 220 mL per gel). This lower buffer requirement keeps the amount of methanol needed to a minimum.

Learn more about transferring in the Mini Gel Tank ›

Order Codes

Code Description
A25977 Catalog Number: A25977
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