NativePAGE™ 5% G-250 Sample Additive (Invitrogen™)

NativePAGE™ 5% G-250 Sample Additive is added to samples prepared with the NativePAGE™ Sample Buffer and detergents (10% DMM or 5% Digitonin) just prior to applying the samples to NativePAGE™ gels. This Additive is also included in the NativePAGE™ Sample Prep Kit. The samples prepared with 10% DDM, 5% Digitonin, or the NativePAGE™ Sample Prep Kit are compatible with NativePAGE™ Novex Bis-Tris Gels for native electrophoresis showing increased resolution and reduced streaking.

Order Codes

Code Description
BN2004 Catalog Number: BN2004
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