Pierce™ Zinc Reversible Stain Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Zinc Reversible Stain Kit provides rapid and highly sensitive detection of protein in polyacrylamide gels immediately after electrophoresis as well as erasability for subsequent transfer or band extraction.

Features of Zinc Reversible Stain Kit:

Sensitive—detect 0.25ng of protein per band in a mini gel
Fast—the entire protocol is complete in 15 minutes
Easy—ready-to-use stain and developer solutions are supplied, and no fixing or washing steps are required
Gentle—no chemical modification of the proteins occurs; protein bands are visible because the background is stained, not the bands themselves
Reversible—completely erase the stain from the gel to easily recover proteins or proceed with other methods

• Zinc stain, developer, and eraser solutions (500 mL each)

• Staining preceding protein recovery for antibody generation or immunological detection
• Staining before excising gel pieces for protein digestion and analysis by mass spectrometry
• Staining before electrophoretic transfer to membrane for Western blotting
• Quick purity checks before proceeding with purification or transfer for Western blotting

Pierce Zinc Reversible Stain Kit is an ideal option for in-gel protein detection preceding many downstream applications, because the zinc-stain is completely reversible. The white background is easily removed and the gel is restored to its original condition with the kit-supplied eraser solution or a Tris-glycine buffer. Afterwards, the proteins are free of any dyes or other contaminants and can be restained by another method, transferred to membrane for Western blotting or eluted from an excised gel piece.

Zinc-based protein gel stain provides rapid detection of proteins after their separation by SDS-PAGE. The method is as sensitive as most silver staining techniques in that it detects protein at less than 1ng per band, yet requires less than 15 minutes to complete. The simple, two-step staining protocol results in a stained gel with an opaque milky-white background and clear protein bands. The clear bands of protein are visible when the gel is placed against a dark background.

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Order Codes

Code Description
24582 Catalog Number: 24582
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