RiboRuler Low Range RNA Ladder, ready-to-use (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific RiboRuler Low Range RNA Ladder 100-1000 bp, ready-to-use, is a mixture of 7 chromatography purified single-stranded RNA transcripts (100–1000 bp long), produced from specific templates that contain a fragment of the pTZ19R polylinker and Lambda phage fragments.

This ladder is premixed with loading dye.

RiboRuler Low Range RNA Ladder, ready-to-use, is composed of chromatography-purified transcripts what makes them free from NTPs and RNA degradation products. The concentration of each RNA transcript is determined spectrophotometrically. To minimize the possibility of contamination during the use the ladder is aliquotted in smaller volumes.

RiboRuler Low Range RNA Ladder is optimal for end-labeling using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (see protocol in the Resources) and is ideal for Northern blots.


  • Sharp bands of uniform intensity
  • Easy-to-remember band sizes and quantities
  • Approximate RNA quantification by predetermined concentration of ladder bands
  • Supplied with 2X RNA Loading Dye


  • RNA sizing and quantification on native or denaturing gels
  • Northern blotting.

Order Codes

Code Description
SM1833 Catalog Number: SM1833
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