SYPRO™ Protein Gel Stains (Invitrogen™)

SYPRO protein gel stains are sensitive, easy-to-use fluorescent stains for total proteins separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Stained proteins can be viewed with a standard UV or blue-light transilluminator, or imaging equipment containing the appropriate filters or laser. SYPRO protein gel stains offer many advantages over Coomassie Blue and silver staining, including a fast, one-step staining protocol requiring no destaining, a linear dynamic range over three orders of magnitude, and very little protein-to-protein variation in staining.

Key Features

SYPRO Ruby Protein Gel Stain features include:
• Convenient—ready-to-use formulation
• High sensitivity—detection to 0.25 to 1 ng
• Effective staining for 1D and 2D gels
• Can be multiplexed with other gel stains such as Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein gel stain or Pro-Q Emerald 300 glycoprotein gel stain
• Compatible with subsequent analysis of proteins by Edman-based sequencing or mass spectrometry

SYPRO Orange and SYPRO Red protein gel stain features include:
• Sensitive—detection to 4 to 8 ng
• Fast—rapid staining time of 10–60 min
• Best for 1D gels
• SYPRO Orange: Ex: 300, 470 nm, Em: 570 nm
• SYPRO Red: Ex: 300, 550 nm, Em: 630 nm

SYPRO Tangerine Protein Gel Stain features include:
• Sensitive—detection to 4 to 8 ng
• Fast—rapid staining time of 10 to 60 minutes
• Best for 1D gels
• Does not require fixation with acetic acid
• Compatible with subsequent gel staining, western blotting, zymography, electroelution or mass spectrometry

Order Codes

Code Description
S12010 Catalog Number: S12010
Unit Size: 500 µL
Description: SYPRO™ Tangerine Protein Gel Stain (5000X in DMSO), 500 μL
Excitation/Emission: 300, 490/640 nm
S6650 Catalog Number: S6650
Unit Size: 500 µL
Description: SYPRO™ Orange Protein Gel Stain (5000X in DMSO), 500 μL
Excitation/Emission: 300, 470/570 nm
S6651 Catalog Number: S6651
Unit Size: 10 x 50 µL
Description: SYPRO™ Orange Protein Gel Stain (5000X in DMSO), 10 x 50 μL
Excitation/Emission: 300, 470/570 nm
S6653 Catalog Number: S6653
Unit Size: 500 µL
Description: SYPRO™ Red Protein Gel Stain (5000X in DMSO), 500 μL
Excitation/Emission: 300, 550/630 nm
S6654 Catalog Number: S6654
Unit Size: 10 x 50 µL
Description: SYPRO™ Red Protein Gel Stain (5000X in DMSO), 10 x 50 μL
Excitation/Emission: 300, 550/630 nm
S12001 Catalog Number: S12001
Unit Size: 200 mL
Description: SYPRO™ Ruby Protein Gel Stain (1X), 200 mL
Excitation/Emission: 280, 450/610 nm
S12000 Catalog Number: S12000
Unit Size: 1 L
Description: SYPRO™ Ruby Protein Gel Stain (1X), 1 L
Excitation/Emission: 280, 450/610 nm
S21900 Catalog Number: S21900
Unit Size: 5 L
Description: SYPRO™ Ruby Protein Gel Stain (1X), 5 L
Excitation/Emission: 280, 450/610 nm
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