TrackIt™ 50 bp DNA Ladder (Invitrogen™)

Invitrogen TrackIt 50 bp DNA Ladder is ready to use and designed for sizing and approximate quantification of double-stranded DNA in the range of 100 bp to 2,500 bp. TrackIt 50 bp DNA Ladder consists of 17 individual chromatography-purified DNA fragments and has reference bands at 2500, 800, and 350 bp for easy orientation.

TrackIt 50 bp DNA Ladder is ideal for separation on 2% agarose gels.

Highlights of TrackIt 50 bp DNA Ladder:
Sharp, clear bands—chromatography purified fragments for consistent and reliable results and stable at room temperature up to six months
Ready-to-use—premixed with 6X TrackIt Cyan/Orange Loading Buffer for tracking of DNA migration
Precise—an exact amount of DNA in each band

Product use
The double-stranded DNA ladder can be visualized on 2% agarose gels after ethidium bromide or SYBR Safe staining. The ladder is designed with a uniform intensity of DNA bands for a clear view of each band. An exact amount of DNA in each band allows approximate quantification of DNA samples.

Order Codes

Code Description
10488043 Catalog Number: 10488043
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