ULTRAhyb™ Ultrasensitive Hybridization Buffer (Invitrogen™)

Ambion™ ULTRAhyb™ contains a unique blend of hybridization accelerators and blocking agents that greatly enhance the levels of hybridization so that signals that once took days to visualize are now apparent in hours. It is supplied in one bottle containing 125 mL.

• Increase the sensitivity of any blot hybridization experiment
• Increase random-primed DNA probe sensitivity up to 100x; RNA probe sensitivity 20x
• Use less probe per blot
• Decrease hybridization time to just 2 hours

Increase Sensitivity Up to 100x or Decrease Hybridization to Just 2 Hours
Using standard hybridization buffers, only 1–5% of target molecules on a blot hybridizes to probe, making blots a relatively insensitive method for nucleic acid analysis (Vernier et al. (1996) Anal Biochem 235: 11-19). With ULTRAhyb™ Ultrasensitive Hybridization Buffer, the hybridization reaction approaches completion, so that as few as 10,000 molecules can be detected.

For Any Hybridization Protocol
ULTRAhyb™ is compatible with RNA and DNA probes labeled isotopically and nonisotopically in northerns, Southerns, and dot/slot blots. It contains 50% formamide and is compatible with positively charged membranes (see Accessory Products). ULTRAhyb™ requires 10–100x less nonisotopic DNA probe than standard hybridization buffers, making it possible to perform many more hybridizations with a single labeling reaction.

Accessory Products:
The BrightStar™ -Plus Positively Charged Nylon Membranes (SKU# AM10100, AM10102, or AM10104) are recommended for use with ULTRAhyb™. NorthernMax™ Wash Buffers (SKU# AM8673 and AM8674) are ideal for use with ULTRAhyb™.ULTRAhyb™-Oligo (SKU# AM8663) is specifically formulated for oligonucleotide probes.

Order Codes

Code Description
AM8669 Catalog Number: AM8669
AM8670 Catalog Number: AM8670
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