Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer ReadyProbes™ Reagent (Invitrogen™)

Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer ReadyProbes™ Reagent dramatically reduces background fluorescence resulting from non-specific staining during secondary detection using conjugates of streptavidin or secondary antibodies. This reagent is applied directly to slides or coverslips containing fixed and permeabilized cell or tissue samples prior to staining with fluorescent probes.

• Easy protocol—apply ready-made solution using a dropper bottle
• Compatible with the other steps in your immunostaining protocol
• Effective with most fluorescent labels
• Stable at room temperature—keep handy at your scope or cell culture area

See other ReadyProbes™ reagents for cell staining
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Cell imaging applications
Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer reagent is a highly effective product for blocking background staining that results from the nonspecific interactions of a wide variety of fluorescent dyes with cell and tissue constituents. Background staining seen with fluorescent conjugates of streptavidin and antibody conjugates are largely eliminated when the Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer reagent is applied to fixed and permeabilized cells prior to staining.

Suggestions for use
• Apply Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer reagent directly to slides or coverslips containing cell or tissue samples prior to immune-staining.
• After the fix/perm step, simply wash and add enough drops to cover your sample, then incubate for 30 min and proceed with your normal staining protocol.
• Additional blocking steps may be performed subsequent to blocking with the Image-iT™ Signal Enhancer ReadyProbes™ Reagent, as needed

Order Codes

Code Description
R37107 Catalog Number: R37107
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