SlowFade™ Glass Soft-set Antifade Mountant (Invitrogen™)

SlowFade Glass Antifade Mountant is a glycerol-based, ready-to-use, non-curing mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cell or tissue samples on microscope slides. It is formulated to have a refractive index of 1.52 for sharper images and antifade components to resist photobleaching. The result is sharp, bright images with almost any fluorophore, with wide-field, confocal, or super-resolution microscopes, at focal depths of 0–500 μm.

Since SlowFade Glass Antifade Mountant is non-curing, cells can be imaged immediately after mounting, without any of the adverse effects on cell morphology that a curing mountant might cause. It comes ready to use—just apply a drop to the sample, add a coverslip, and image. It is available with or without DAPI nuclear stain.

If a curing, hard-set mountant is needed, also with a refractive index of 1.52, for years of slide storage, then Prolong Glass Antifade Mountant is recommended.

Features of SlowFade Glass Antifade Mountant include:
• Ready-to-use, glycerol-based, non-curing antifade mountant
• Refractive index of 1.52, with minimized spherical aberrations
• Up to three times better axial resolution compared to regular mountant
• Visible tissue optical clearing, even in sections up to 1-mm thick
• Sharp, bright images at any focal depth from 0 to 500 μm

Sharp images for deep 3D imaging
SlowFade Glass Antifade Mountant features a refractive index of 1.52 (similar to glass coverslips), with superior photobleach protection. It is compatible with immersion oil and oil-immersion microscope optics, enabling a refraction-free light path and minimized spherical aberration, which improves axial resolution by three times (at 150-μm focal depth) as measured by point spread function. When 1-mm thick tissue sections are mounted, there is visible optical tissue clearing, enabling deep 3D imaging. For 3D imaging of whole organs (up to 10 mm), please see Clearing Reagents for Imaging 3D Cell Culture and Tissue.

Inhibit photobleaching across the visible and near-IR spectra
No matter which fluorescent dyes or fluorescent proteins you are using, Slowfade Glass Antifade Mountant helps provide superior protection against photobleaching. It has been shown to have best-in-class performance with a wide array of fluorescent dyes, including Alexa Fluor, FITC, TRTC, Texas Red, Cy3, and Cy5 dyes, and fluorescent proteins, including GFP, RFP, and mCherry. SlowFade Glass mountant does not quench fluorophores, and its ability to provide brighter signal against no background helps ensure that you get the best-quality high-resolution images for publishing.

Non-curing mountant which does not expand or shrink specimens
Most tissue clearing techniques either expand or shrink the specimens, causing artifacts in specimen morphology. SlowFade Glass Antifade Mountant is non-curing and does not cause expansion or contraction of specimens, which we have verified using Hela spheroids and rat brain sections. This characteristic allows 3D imaging of truly native specimen morphology. The specimens are available for imaging immediately after mounting, and properly sealed slides can be stored for weeks or months for excellent

Order Codes

Code Description
S36917 Catalog Number: S36917
S36917-5X2ML Catalog Number: S36917-5X2ML
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