ELISA-Light™ Immunoassay System with CSPD™ and Sapphire-II™ Substrate/Enhancer Solution (Applied Biosystems™)

The ELISA-Light™ Immunoassay System with CSPD™ and Sapphire-II™ Substrate⁄Enhancer Solution is used for ultra-sensitive detection of antigens or antibodies in multiple immunoassay formats employing an alkaline phosphatase enzyme label.

• Heterogeneous assay format increases sensitivity and dynamic range and reduces interference by test compounds in the detection portion of the assay (as compared with homogeneous assay formats)
• Chemiluminescent immunoassay detection allows greater sensitivity and improved dynamic range as compared to radioimmunoassays and immunoassays that employ colorimetric or fluorescent detection
• High sensitivity and wide dynamic range permit sensitive detection with fewer assays, because sample dilution to fit the dynamic range of the assay is unnecessary
• A variety of ready-to-use substrate formulations lets the user precisely optimize signal intensity to the exact requirements of an assay
• The kinetics of the glow-assay provides a “window” during which measurements may be performed, facilitating HTS applications where assay automation is used
• Chemiluminescent immunoassay detection provides versatile applications such as sandwich immunoassays, competitive immunoassays, and DNA probe capture assays
• Non-radioactive immunoassays eliminate concerns over use of radioisotopes

Extend the Limits of Detection
The ELISA-Light™ system offers an excellent combination of high sensitivity and throughput for assays measured in a luminometer. The ELISA-Light™ system significantly extends the limits of detection of most immunoassays previously performed with colorimetric and isotopic methods.

Multiple Substrate⁄Enhancer Formulations
The kit contains reagents optimized for chemiluminescent ELISAs employing alkaline phosphatase labels and is available with a choice of ready-to-use chemiluminescent substrate formulations containing CSPD™ or CDP-Star™ substrate with Sapphire-II™ or Emerald-II™ luminescence enhancers. Multiple substrate⁄enhancer formulations provide options that let the user optimize specific assays or luminometers. The specific formulation that will provide the highest sensitivity for a specific assay can vary. Therefore, an ELISA sampler kit containing all four substrate⁄enhancer formulations is available to facilitate assay development.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.

Order Codes

Code Description
T1023 Catalog Number: T1023
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