Galacton-Star™ Substrate (50X Concentrate) (Invitrogen™)

Galacton-Star Substrate is a chemiluminescent substrate designed for the rapid, sensitive detection of β-galactosidase in cell lysates. The chemiluminescent assay exhibits over three orders of magnitude greater sensitivity compared to colorimetric β-galactosidase assays. Light emission from Galacton-Star Substrate reaches a maximum in 60-90 minutes and remains constant for at least 1 hour. After incubation at room temperature, the signal is measured in a luminometer.

As few as 10 femtograms of β-galactosidase (20,000 molecules) are detectable. High sensitivity makes this substrate ideal for detection of weak expression and for transfection normalization with other sensitive reporter gene assays.

Order Codes

Code Description
T2266 Catalog Number: T2266
T2265 Catalog Number: T2265
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