Pierce™ Stable Peroxide Substrate Buffer (10X) (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Stable Peroxide Substrate Buffer (10X) include optimized, reliable and convenient stock solutions of peroxide for HRP-based assays detection.

Features of Stable Peroxide Substrate Buffer (10X):

• Ready-to-use
• Minimize assay-to-assay variability

Buffered stable hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used by researchers who prefer to make their own HRP-ELISA substrates. This is easily done by adding a chromogen of choice to the buffer. Stable Peroxide Substrate Buffer has a long shelf life (12 months after receipt) and is provided as a 10-fold concentrate. A total volume of 1000 mL can be made from one 100 mL bottle of concentrate. If you use 10 mL of substrate per plate, this will allow you to make substrate for 100 plates from only one bottle of Stable Peroxide Substrate Buffer.

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Order Codes

Code Description
34062 Catalog Number: 34062
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