QuantaRed™ Enhanced Chemifluorescent HRP Substrate Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific QuantaRed Enhanced Chemifluorescent HRP Substrate (ADHP) is the most sensitive fluorescent ELISA substrate, providing sensitivity comparable to enhanced chemiluminescence. This kit contains QuantaRed ADHP concentrate, QuantaRed Enhancer Solution, QuantaRed Stable Peroxide Solution, and QuantRed Stop Solution, and is sufficient for 960 wells (10 x 96-well plates at 100 μL working solution per well.

Features of the QuantaRed Enhanced Chemifluorescent HRP Substrate Kit:

Sensitive—low picogram to femtogram detection
Red-Shifted - minimal autofluorescence interference from biological samples
Convenient—compatible with existing filter sets, no need to purchase special filter sets
Complete—mix and use reagents, no buffers to prepare or reagents to dissolve
Flexible—use Stop Solution to effectively stop the reaction resulting in stable signal for at least 4 hours or more.
Versatile—produces a strong colorimetric signal and can be read fluorescently or colorimetrically at 570nm

QuantaRed HRP Substrate enables high-yield and sensitive fluorescent and colorimetric detection of peroxidase activity in the ELISA format. QuantaRed Substrate uses a proprietary technology to increase fluorescent yield and sensitivity of the well-documented ADHP (10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine) chemifluorescence reaction. ADHP is a non-fluorescent compound that reacts with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to produce resorufin, a soluble, highly fluorescent reaction product with excitation/emission maxima of ∼570/585nm. The long wavelength emission of the resorufin minimizes interference from the low wavelength (blue and green) autofluorescence, making it an ideal substrate for quantitating target molecules in biological samples. In addition, the reaction product of QuantaRed Substrate is colorimetric as well as being fluorescent and can be read spectrophotmetrically at ∼570nm.

Specially formulated, QuantaRed Substrate incorporates chemical enhancers for maximum sensitivity and superior low end linearity. With high quantum yield and large extinction coefficient, QuantaRed Enhanced HRP Substrate has sensitivity comparable to enhanced chemiluminescence and is more sensitive than the Amplex Red substrates for the detection of HRP in ELISA applications.

Order Codes

Code Description
15159 Catalog Number: 15159
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