Bacto™ CD Supreme Fermentation Production Medium (FPM) (Gibco™)

Gibco Bacto CD Supreme Fermentation Production Medium (FPM) is a chemically defined medium for microbial fermentation. Bacto CD Supreme FPM is a dehydrated powder medium (DPM) designed specifically for fermentation applications to support high-cell-density cultures of Escherichia coli. Bacto CD Supreme FPM is chemically defined, hydrolysate-free, and animal origin component-free.

Features of Bacto CD Supreme FPM include:
• Reduce lot-to-lot performance variability with a 100% chemically defined formulation
• Eliminate risk of bacteriophage* and BSE/TSE contamination
• Optimize your fermentation workflow by streamlining, reducing, or eliminating steps
• Increase growth and production yields; shown to support growth of a variety of E. coli strains including DH10B, BL21(DE3), DH5α, DH1, Stbl2, Stbl3, One Shot TOP10, and others
• Flexible sterilization methods allow the medium to be filter sterilized or autoclaved
• Scalable format to meet your development needs

*This product does not contain any raw materials of direct animal origin or materials that have been produced using animal-origin components. It has not been in contact with material of animal origin during processing and therefore poses no TSE risk.

Order Codes

Code Description
A4973701 Catalog Number: A4973701
A4973702 Catalog Number: A4973702
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