Pierce™ NeutrAvidin™ Coated High Sensitivity Plates, Clear, 8-Well Strip (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce High Sensitivity NeutrAvidin Protein Coated Plates are biotin-binding microplates that are coated to maximize capture efficiency of biotinylated probes and control background in assays for low levels of target analyte.

Features of High Sensitivity NeutrAvidin Protein Coated Plates:

Sensitive—detect down to 5 ng/mL of biotinylated IgG
Specific—low background with high signal-to-noise ratios
Robust—broad dynamic range
Ready to use—plates are supplied pre-blocked to save time

These Thermo Scientific Pierce Coated Plates are coated using proprietary surface-activation technology to achieve maximum efficient coating of active streptavidin biotin-binding protein. The high sensitivity plates enable detection of low concentrations ( ng/mL) of biotinylated antibodies and other proteins. These plates make it easy to develop a colorimetric ELISA for samples that contain low levels of target.

Streptavidin is the most popular and widely available biotin-binding protein for research methods. Streptavidin has an isoelectric point of 5 to 6, resulting in low nonspecific interactions. Thermo Scientific NeutrAvidin Protein is a deglycosylated form of avidin, which has a near-neutral pI (6.3), resulting in even lower nonspecific interactions. NeutrAvidin Protein has the additional advantage of lacking the bacterial RYD sequence found on streptavidin, which eliminates off-target binding to the RGD binding domain of adhesion receptors present in a variety of cells.

Order Codes

Code Description
15530 Catalog Number: 15530
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