Champion™ pET300/NT-DEST and pET301/CT-DEST Gateway™ Vector Kit (Invitrogen™)

The Champion™ pET300/NT-DEST and pET301/CT-DEST Gateway™ Vector Kit is designed for rapid cloning with a Gateway™ entry clone and subsequent high-level prokaryotic expression controlled by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. In addition to the T7 promoter, each vector contains only the necessary functional elements and an N- or C-terminal 6xHis tag (pET300/NT-DEST and pET301/CT-DEST, respectively) for convenient purification and detection (Figure 1). The vector kit is ideal for structural biologists who desire no or minimal modifications to their protein of interest. To maximize expression, use with MagicMedia™ E. coli Expression Medium.

Contents and Storage:
The Champion™ pET300/NT-DEST and pET301/CT-DEST Gateway™ Vector Kit includes 6 μg each of pET300/NT-DEST and pET301/CT-DEST vectors and 10 μg of control vector. Store at -20“C. Guaranteed stable for 6 months when properly stored.

Order Codes

Code Description
K630001 Catalog Number: K630001
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