Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems (Invitrogen™)

The Invitrogen Collibri Stranded RNA Library Preparation kits are designed for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on Illumina systems. The kit supports whole-transcriptome sequencing (human, mouse, rat) and mRNA sequencing (compatible with all species) applications.

Key Features

The Invitrogen Collibri Stranded RNA Library Preparation kits are designed for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on Illumina systems. The kit supports whole-transcriptome sequencing (human, mouse, rat) and mRNA sequencing (compatible with all species) applications.

The Collibri Stranded RNA Library Preparation Kit:
• Includes all necessary components in a single kit* for a quick use
• Total RNA converted to sequencing-ready library within 4.5 hours
• >98% strand specificity, efficient detection of non-coding RNA and high sensitivity of differential gene expression
• Provides in-process visual feedback for easier handling
• Is suitable for conventional automation to increase throughput

The Invitrogen Collibri Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina Systems is designed for robust construction of cDNA libraries for strand-specific RNA sequencing on Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) systems. The kit brings together the superior features of SuperScript IV Reverse Transcriptase, Dynabeads magnetic particles, and Platinum SuperFi DNA Polymerase, enabling users to obtain high-quality sequencing-ready libraries. This Collibri Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit supports fast library preparation within 4.5 hours for mRNA or whole transcriptome libraries with 1–25 ng of mRNA-enriched or ribodepleted RNA sample input. Multiplexing of libraries can be carried out using up to 96 single-indexed or unique dual-indexed primers, enabling single-read or paired-end sequencing. The kit is suitable for various-quality RNA samples, including FFPE samples.

Visual cues of process integrity
For maximum convenience, visual cues of process integrity are included throughout the library preparation workflow. Monitor progress of library generation using visual feedback from dyes in critical reagents. The reaction mix changes color in response to the addition of critical components at each step to ensure that library preparation has the highest chance of success. The inert dyes do not interfere with enzymatic reactions and do not compromise sequencing results.

How it works
Full-length Illumina-compatible adaptors are introduced by PCR amplification using Platinum SuperFi DNA Polymerase to construct single-indexed or unique dual-indexed libraries compatible with single-read or paired-end sequencing. The kit contains 24 or 96 either single-indexed barcoded PCR primers (i7) pre-mixed with a universal i5 primer or unique dual-indexed PCR primers that enable multiplexing of up to 96 libraries. Optimized cleanup steps efficiently remove residual primers and adapter/primer dimers while preserving high library yields.

A related product, the Collibri Library Quantification Kit, is recommended for qPCR-based quantifications of libraries before proceeding to sequencing.

The Collibri Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit is recommended for:
• Gene expression studies
• Alternative splicing analysis
• Non-coding RNA detection and discovery
• Identification of alternative polyadenylation sites
• Gene fusion detection
• Detection of transcript isoforms

* The kit consists of enzymatic modification, size selection/clean-up, and indexed adapter-containing modules. Additional ribodepletion module of human/mouse/rat rRNA can also be included.

Order Codes

Code Description
A39005096 Catalog Number: A39005096
Unit Size: 96 reactions
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit, Human/Mouse/Rat rRNA Depletion Kit, and UD Indexes
No. of Reactions: 96 Reactions
A38994024 Catalog Number: A38994024
Unit Size: 24 preps
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit Only
No. of Reactions: 24 Reactions
A38994096 Catalog Number: A38994096
Unit Size: 96 preps
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit Only
No. of Reactions: 96 Reactions
A39003024 Catalog Number: A39003024
Unit Size: 24 preps
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit, and Human/Mouse/Rat rRNA Depletion Kit
No. of Reactions: 24 Reactions
A39003096 Catalog Number: A39003096
Unit Size: 96 preps
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit, and Human/Mouse/Rat rRNA Depletion Kit
No. of Reactions: 96 Reactions
A39005024 Catalog Number: A39005024
Unit Size: 24 reactions
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit, Human/Mouse/Rat rRNA Depletion Kit, and UD Indexes
No. of Reactions: 24 Reactions
A38996024 Catalog Number: A38996024
Unit Size: 24 reactions
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit, and UD Indexes
No. of Reactions: 24 Reactions
A38996096 Catalog Number: A38996096
Unit Size: 96 reactions
Includes: Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit, and UD Indexes
No. of Reactions: 96 Reactions
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