Dynabeads™ SILANE Viral NA Kit (Invitrogen™)

For sensitive, highly predictable and consistent extraction and isolation of viral DNA and RNA from human serum/plasma samples, following a simple separation protocol. The 1 μm Dynabeads have an optimized silica-like surface chemistry, and a high specific surface area, providing efficient kinetics and a high sensitivity. Their uniform size and surface area ensure reproducible results.

A higher sensitivity and improved performance is achieved with Dynabeads™ compared to magnetic particles from alternative suppliers. Other particles often have a random size range distribution, surface area and binding capacity. This could compromise the reproducibility of your results. Dynabeads™ hold reputable Dynal high standards with respect to within- and between-lot reproducibility and automation ability.


• Isolates viral DNA and viral RNA
• High sensitivity, allowing for a low detection limit
• Effective isolation of nucleic acids even from challenging viruses (e.g. HBV)
• Can detect HBV DNA in a 200 μl serum sample containing only 40 infectious units (using 2 mg (50 μl) Dynabeads™)
• Quicker than spin-columns
• Cost-effective and performs to the same level as spin-columns
• Automation-friendly (slow sedimentation rate + high magnetic mobility)

• Isolation of viral nucleic acids (DNA/RNA)
• From human serum/plasma samples
• Well suited for automated assays
• Separate kit available for the isolation of genomic DNA (Cat. no. 370-12D)

Additional Info:
Validation and customization (bead, buffer, protocol or format) can be made available on a custom OEM basis. For further information, please contact us at: ivd@invitrogen.com

Order Codes

Code Description
37011D Catalog Number: 37011D
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