Gateway™ pET-DEST42 Vector (Invitrogen™)

The Champion™ pET-DEST42 Gateway™ destination vector is designed for rapid cloning with a Gateway™ entry clone using lambda phage site-specific recombination and subsequent high-level prokaryotic expression controlled by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. Expression is induced by the production of T7 RNA polymerase in BL21(DE3) E. coli. The Champion™ pET-DEST42 destination vector offers:

• Bacteriophage T7lac promoter for high-level expression
O operator sequences for lac repressor binding to ensure tighter regulation of transcription
• pBR322 ori for minimal basal expression
• C-terminal V5 and 6xHis tags for efficient detection and purification
R sites for efficient recombination with any attL-flanked Gateway™ entry vector

Order Codes

Code Description
12276010 Catalog Number: 12276010
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