GeneJET Endo-Free Plasmid Maxiprep Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific GeneJET Endo-Free Plasmid Maxiprep Kit is a fast, convenient, and efficient system for the large scale purification of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA. Endotoxins are major contaminants found in plasmid DNA preparations. For transfection of sensitive cell lines endotoxins are a major problem. The same applies to in vivo transfection as endotoxins can elicit strong immune responses. Thermo Scientific GeneJET Endo-Free Plasmid Maxiprep Kit is designed to reduce endotoxin level to <0.1 EU/μg of plasmid DNA. The kit utilizes a silica-based membrane technology in the form of convenient spin columns.

Each preparation recovers up to 1000 μg of high copy plasmid DNA from 350 mL of recombinant E. coli cultures that can be used in a wide variety of molecular biology procedures such as transfection of sensitive cells (e.g. Huh-7), in vivo transfection, transformation, restriction endonuclease digestion, automated sequencing, and in vitro transcription.


Pure—free of endotoxins plasmid DNA suitable for transfection of sensitive cells
Efficient—plasmid recovery resulting in high DNA yields
Fast—isolation of high quality plasmid DNA in less than 60 minutes
Convenient—spin column format, centrifuge or vacuum protocol


• Transfection of sensitive cell lines
• in vivo transfection
• Automated sequencing
• Transformation
• in vitro transcription

• Resuspension Solution
• Lysis Solution
• Neutralization Solution
• Endotoxin Binding Reagent
• Wash Solution I (conc.)
• Wash Solution II (conc.)
• RNase A Solution
• Elution Buffer
• GeneJET Endo-Free Maxi Purification Columns & Collection Tubes (50 mL, blue-capped)
• GeneJET Endo-Free Maxi Filtration Columns & Collection Tubes (50 mL, white-capped)

Order Codes

Code Description
K0861 Catalog Number: K0861
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