GeneJET Gel Extraction and DNA Cleanup Micro Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific GeneJET Gel Extraction and DNA Cleanup Micro Kit is developed as 3 in 1 kit designed for rapid and efficient purification of DNA from PCR, enzymatic reaction mixtures, and DNA extraction from standard or low-melting point agarose gels run in either Tris acetate (TAE) or Tris borate (TBE) buffer. The kit combines the convenience of spin column technology with the selective binding properties of a silica membrane, eliminating the need for tedious resin manipulations or toxic phenol-chloroform extractions.

The GeneJET Gel Extraction and DNA Cleanup Micro Kit effectively removes primers, primer dimers, dNTPs, unincorporated labeled nucleotides, enzymes and salts from PCR and other reaction mixtures. The kit can be used for purification of DNA fragments from 100 bp to 20 kb. The recovery rates are 90 to 100% for 100 bp to 3 kb DNA fragment size range. Each GeneJET DNA Purification Column has a total binding capacity of up to 10 μg of DNA, and the entire procedure takes approximately 3.5 minutes for DNA cleanup

Advanced column design—easy to open, load and handle
Yields concentrated DNA - Elute in 6 to 10 μL volume
High recovery - 90 to 100% recovery in the 100 to 3000 bp DNA fragment range
Fast—4 minute reaction mixture clean-up and 15 minute agarose gel purification protocols available
Efficient removal of reaction contaminants - including enzymes, proteins, primers dimers, dNTPs, and salts
Flexible—does not require precise gel slice quantification weighting

The purified DNA can be used in common downstream applications:
• Sequencing
• Restriction digestion
• qPCR
• Labeling
• Ligation
• Cloning
In vitro transcription
• Blotting
In situ hybridization

• Binding Buffer
• Extraction Buffer
• Prewash Buffer (conc.)
• Wash Buffer (conc.)
• Elution Buffer
• DNA Purification Micro Column & Collection Tube

Order Codes

Code Description
K0832 Catalog Number: K0832
K0831 Catalog Number: K0831
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