GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit utilizes an exclusive silica-based membrane technology in the form of a convenient spin column. The kit recovers up to 20 μg of high copy plasmid DNA per isolation procedure.

Efficient—high yields of up to 20 μg of high quality plasmid DNA
Fast—procedure takes less than 14 minutes
Convenient—no phenol/chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation required
Pure—purified DNA is immediately ready to use

• Fast isolation of high purity plasmid DNA suitable for all conventional molecular biology procedures, including:
• FastDigest or conventional restriction digestion
• Automated fluorescent and radioactive sequencing
In vitro transcription
• Transformation

A bacterial culture is harvested and lysed. The lysate is then cleared by centrifugation and applied on the silica column to selectively bind DNA molecules at a high salt concentration. The adsorbed DNA is washed to remove contaminants, and the pure plasmid DNA is eluted in a small volume of elution buffer or water. The purified DNA is ready for immediate use in all molecular biology procedures, such as fast and conventional digestion with restriction enzymes, PCR, in vitro transcription, transformation, and automated sequencing. Components Resuspension Solution Lysis Solution Neutralization Solution Wash Solution (concentrated) RNase A Solution Elution Buffer Spin Columns Collection Tubes Detailed Protocol

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Order Codes

Code Description
K0503 Catalog Number: K0503
K0502 Catalog Number: K0502
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