mirVana™ PARIS™ RNA and Native Protein Purification Kit (Invitrogen™)

The mirVana™ PARIS™ Kit is for the purification of both native protein and RNA (including small RNA) from the same sample. Each kit contains sufficient reagents and consumables for either 40 isolations of protein and total RNA (including small RNAs), or 20 isolations of protein and separate large and small RNA fractions. Features of this kit:

• Isolate small RNA-containing total RNA and native protein from the same sample
• Start with 100–107 cultured cells or up to 100 mg of many mammalian tissues
• Enrich for small RNA (<200 nt) to increase sensitivity in downstream analyses
• Follow a simple, 30-minute procedure
• Use to correlate mRNA, miRNA or siRNA, and protein levels

How the kit works
The mirVana™ PARIS™ Kit procedure begins with homogenization of samples with a special cell disruption buffer that includes nonionic detergent. Protein remains intact, so a portion of the lysate can be used directly for common protein analysis applications. The remainder of the lysate is used for RNA isolation, using a procedure that combines the advantages of organic and solid-phase extraction, while avoiding the disadvantages of both.

Accessory products
For tissues that have very high levels of ribonucleases, such as pancreas or spleen, the mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit is recommended, although it is not designed to recover protein and small RNA from the same sample.

Order Codes

Code Description
AM1556 Catalog Number: AM1556
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